Hey to the people that are reading this!!!! I'm back, I guess you can say, I have'nt posted in a while because of school and thangs' but now that I'm sorta settled in, I'll be postin more! Well I don't really have anything postworthy today except a couple of odd things.
1.)Some random dude on campus says hi (well wassup) to me and knows my name........but I have no clue whatsoever who he be!! But I'm not rude 24/7 so I always respond. Who knows he might be important to me later on.
2.)Today I've inspired someone to stop bein' a hooch, a skank, a slut, a 304, a.......well you catch my drift, but yea, ME!!!!!?? Out of all people, me inspiring people? Now with my lil' record I would be the last person telling someone something of importance. Because it's either what I say, or how I say it that makes people a little agitated. I only speak the truth, or what I think is the truth. BUT HEY!!! If you can't take it don't ask..................at all.......#kthanx.(tm)lmaoooo.
3.) I still have money in my account.....WOOT WOOT!!!!!! I really did NOT want to pay for this one book for my class and I didn't. Go Good Credit!!
Ch........................shyte well that's it fah nah, I promise more is on the way. ADIOS!!!!