I Must Confess

A list of confessions I did some weeks ago on Facebook, I meant to put them on here but it completely slipped my mind. These confessions are from the heart and they might help you get to know me a little better,BUT you may not like some of them and....that's fine. lol

Its what it is......I must confess
1. Sometimes I really don't give 2 shits about peoples problems
2. Hell yeah I can be selfish.
3. People piss me off in general.
4. I strongly dislike people who always feel sorry for themselves.
5. It irks me when people try so hard to be "that bitch" and fail...miserably.
6. I'm always angry during sometime of the day.
7. I'm shallow..
8. I'm selfish..
9. I lack certain morals..and I love it
10.I love myself...who doesn't?



July 13, 2009 at 8:16 PM

lol, his is kinda how i feel as well... nice blog, just came thru to say your layout and logo is very nice, i like it!