Yes I know the title......a lil bit weird but it soooo fits what I'm about to say. Ok yesterday I got into it with my significant other over a lil mishap, then later on they had left a bagel from earlier that day in my room, which I soon ate. Yea I was wrong for that but hey why let it go to waste. Well anyway they told me that I Am...Goin to buy them another bagel, and me being me said, "Well I don't have to buy you another one, but I will." Then we argued back and forth on what I should and what I will do. Yea a stupid argument, but I'm stubborn so it lasted for a couple of minutes. But after the bagel argument I realized something. Bagels have two sides correct? And if I remember correctly, one side is larger than the other side, no? Well me being me and over analyzing things I applied the bagel to my current relationship. I thought it was me at first, I thought i was the one not puttin my all into the relationship but I realized I was, I was putting way to much in, just to keep it all together, I was the large part of the bagel and them, the smaller, flatter side...............-that's all I just can't go on anymore I have nothing else left to say.
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