I got this Idea from
http://www.cherryvomit.com/ , so now it's my turn!!!!
A- Abysinthe (The word)
C- Caramel
D- Deadly plants
E- Everclear
F- Foreshadowing (The literary element)
G- Grappling Hooks
H- Hoodies
I- Icecubes
J- Juicy Fruit
K- Kangaroos
L- laser pointers
M- MaJiK
N- .....Naruto
O- Omelettes
P- Pears
Q- Quasars
R- russian vodka
S- "Save The Hero"
T- Turtle flavored anything (You know turtle, the caramel and chocolate mix)
U- Underground artists
V- Veal
X- X-men
Y- Yellow squash....
Z- Zippers (they are sexy to me for some reason)
Posted by
Saturday, December 12, 2009
12:48 PM
1. If you have to ask people do they think you act a certain way, chances are you do and you know it, or else you would'nt have asked. (ie: "Am I a hoe?"......of course you are.)
2. If you feel someone is always talking about you, don't sit there and wonder why, you know why, so don't play dumb. It's not a good look.
3. Never put ALL your trust in one person, divide it equally amongst friends, that way everybody gets a share but not a full amount.
4. Never EVER think someone is different from what you percieved of them when you first saw them, hold that thought dear BUT get to know them.
5. Finally......take advice but always hold yours above the rest, sometimes thinking for yourself is the best.
Posted by
Monday, November 23, 2009
9:14 AM
This week has had to have been the most whirlwind kinda week ever!! A complete break-up here, a new love there, and everything else in between. The bagel break-up person severed their last frayed strand with me and a best friend has become more closer, closer than expected. This is just a preview for now though, more details are coming later though..........
Posted by
Friday, October 30, 2009
6:18 PM

Yes I know the title......a lil bit weird but it soooo fits what I'm about to say. Ok yesterday I got into it with my significant other over a lil mishap, then later on they had left a bagel from earlier that day in my room, which I soon ate. Yea I was wrong for that but hey why let it go to waste. Well anyway they told me that I Am...Goin to buy them another bagel, and me being me said, "Well I don't have to buy you another one, but I will." Then we argued back and forth on what I should and what I will do. Yea a stupid argument, but I'm stubborn so it lasted for a couple of minutes. But after the bagel argument I realized something. Bagels have two sides correct? And if I remember correctly, one side is larger than the other side, no? Well me being me and over analyzing things I applied the bagel to my current relationship. I thought it was me at first, I thought i was the one not puttin my all into the relationship but I realized I was, I was putting way to much in, just to keep it all together, I was the large part of the bagel and them, the smaller, flatter side...............-that's all I just can't go on anymore I have nothing else left to say.
Posted by
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
9:04 AM

Ok one day I was just browsing through Youtube (like last year), bored as usual and I decided to look up final fantasy because..........sheesh IDK!! I have the game and I wanted to see what else was in it that I have'nt seen yet. THENNN....I came across Dead Fantasy.........two of my favorite games in one. Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. I watched it and IMMEDIATELY had to see the other parts, but at that time it was only 2 parts. Now I have revisited the videos, and they now have 5 parts to it. The producer of these videos Monty Oum -->Check him ouwwt!!! (
http://www.gametrailers.com/game/monty-oum/4712) he's a pure genious!!! i really have to give him his props because I know it has to take hours upon hours and days upon days to make these videos!! And besides Dead Fantasy, he has even more!!!!
Posted by
Thursday, September 10, 2009
1:29 PM

Hey to the people that are reading this!!!! I'm back, I guess you can say, I have'nt posted in a while because of school and thangs' but now that I'm sorta settled in, I'll be postin more! Well I don't really have anything postworthy today except a couple of odd things.
1.)Some random dude on campus says hi (well wassup) to me and knows my name........but I have no clue whatsoever who he be!! But I'm not rude 24/7 so I always respond. Who knows he might be important to me later on.
2.)Today I've inspired someone to stop bein' a hooch, a skank, a slut, a 304, a.......well you catch my drift, but yea, ME!!!!!?? Out of all people, me inspiring people? Now with my lil' record I would be the last person telling someone something of importance. Because it's either what I say, or how I say it that makes people a little agitated. I only speak the truth, or what I think is the truth. BUT HEY!!! If you can't take it don't ask..................at all.......#kthanx.(tm)lmaoooo.
3.) I still have money in my account.....WOOT WOOT!!!!!! I really did NOT want to pay for this one book for my class and I didn't. Go Good Credit!!
Ch........................shyte well that's it fah nah, I promise more is on the way. ADIOS!!!!
Posted by
Monday, August 31, 2009
9:02 PM
Posted by
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
10:43 PM
Imma laugh if that's for me..............................-that's all
P.S.- btw you can't lie worth shit.............lol it's cute in a way...........
Posted by
Monday, August 3, 2009
12:35 AM

O-o-o-o-oh-oh......I wanna run..........(run)........_________ into ___________!!! LMAOOO Yea I feel like that but I always do when a person captures my attention for a lenghthy amount of time. It's a hard and horrible habit I have to break. I always feel a certain way and when the feelings are'nt reciprocated I feel.......a tad bit.......ya know....upset. But when they are shown back i need to know to take them with a light heart then later on run wit it. BUT now I feel somewhat stable. See what I seek is what I would call a firecracker, brilliant,bright, something that can set me on FIRE!!!! POW!!! LMAOOO That type of person always gets me. But moving on..... Do you ever feel like a close friend or significant other ever tries to compete with you?? Of course it involves jealousy but it's like something else is involved and you just can't put yor finger on it. I would say that they are trying to be just like me but that would make me sound kind of rude and arrogant, which I'm not. but that kind of ish really gets to me, especially when I know they have no chance whatsoever.<- Making me sound all full of myself. Oh btw I had the wierdest dream and two people whom I've had "encounters with were in it asking for the same thing, and when I awoke I was like wow.....really now?? And since I see my dreams as predicting things to come, it really make me wonder. BUT for now I'll leave it alone until I have nothing else to think about. So until then or until something else comes and bites me...Ch.....iao!!!!
Posted by
Thursday, July 30, 2009
11:01 PM

I feel sooooooooooooooooo good right now.....words can't even began to form sentences that from paragraphs to explain how I feel. I feel as if though I've fallen onto a bed full of soft things<--yea corny but oh well. I have'nt got this feelin in like 50 gazmillion eons!!!! And it feels good to feel good!!! Shit what else is there to say lmaooo. BUT in a bad note a.k.a pink slip a friend told me that me and the "one" should've just been friends.....sometimes I wonder......nvm...well there is more to come tomorrow well later on today since it is exactly 2:42 my time so for now Dream golden dreams encrusted with diamond aspirations!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
12:21 AM
That's how I feel.........well how I felt since I saved this as a draft and i am just now re-editing it. I was'nt really feeling the one I'm with, a friend was flying to close to the sun, and to top it off my crush had and is still starting to realize who they are....and I like it. I should'nt but hell I'm human, and I crave attention. Now as for the friend....UGGGGHHHH LMAOOO....that's all I can say. I told them before hand the flirting was getting out of hand and i didn't want them to get attached, but guess what?? Well hell obviously you know what happened...and now OMGGG THEY JUST CALLED LMAOOO...sorry for the interruption but yea' see this is what happens when people don't listen. Then claim that you have an attitude or have changed. HELL YEA I DO!!!!! If you would've listened you would'nt think I was so mean.....well I am but still. Now on to the "One"<---This person is pulling every string and ganglion of nerve I have in me. They want to understand me but they just are'nt. I have no problem with that, if we were meant to understand each other there would be no conflict in the world at all. But this person just has to get me, if they don't they then start trying to compete with me just to irk me knowing good and well when I get angry they can't help but to give up. It's no use.... BUTTTT back to the crush *sigh* lmaoooo GAWWWDDD they have been on my mind since like...forever.(Yea that sentence was not correct english...or logic for that matter. BUT anyway.....I'm hooked once again, let's see how this will turn out..if it happens.
Posted by
Saturday, July 11, 2009
11:28 PM
A list of confessions I did some weeks ago on Facebook, I meant to put them on here but it completely slipped my mind. These confessions are from the heart and they might help you get to know me a little better,BUT you may not like some of them and....that's fine. lol
Its what it is......I must confess
1. Sometimes I really don't give 2 shits about peoples problems
2. Hell yeah I can be selfish.
3. People piss me off in general.
4. I strongly dislike people who always feel sorry for themselves.
5. It irks me when people try so hard to be "that bitch" and fail...miserably.
6. I'm always angry during sometime of the day.
7. I'm shallow..
8. I'm selfish..
9. I lack certain morals..and I love it
10.I love myself...who doesn't?
Posted by
Thursday, July 2, 2009
11:25 PM
The title has absolutely nothing to do with basketball. Yesterday at work one of my friends decided she had had enough and she is putting in her 2 weeks..Oh no, but moving on lmaoo, yesterday I was on Myspace (I rarely go there anymore, I don't know what compelled me to do it yesterday) and an old flame IMed me( LOL@ Myspace for copying Facebook), I was like, "hmmmm, what do you want?" But anyway we chatted for a bit and then they started asking was I single and all that foolishness, I gave answers, and then out of nowhere they said they missed me. 0.o Then they went on to say they had fallin' in love with me, and I left for school, and left them all alone, and blah, blah ,blah, BUT any way it made me feel so bad and I wished I could have them again but...yea anyway. I also bought a new camera and put the battery in wrong and kept it like that for two hours, thinking it was charging (iFAIL).OHHH I want to shout-out to my 2 SMEXY FOLLOWERS!!! HEYYY YA'LL!!!!!!!! LMAOO I may only have these 2 but they mean alot, they are talented and interesting. I promise you 2 my blogs will get more interesting as time goes by. Oh by the way a "Just Thinkin" Pt. II is in the making
Posted by
10:53 AM
I had to do a part two because last night as I stayed awoke until the sun rose more people came to my mind...
Mr. C.T.-My own Lupe Fiasco+Rob Roy+Janelle Monae(Secret Crush)....
B-Ball- The Jealous One who I miss....sometimes
Don-Don: No lie it really sickens me sometimes when I think how could I have possibly fallen in so-called love with you. You had your times but now you and this whole Darkness Is Me look is not a good look for you. You always talk about people being fake and this and that to gain attention, but look at yourself....nuff said....(No shade on the emo ish)
Tie-Dye: I have nothin much to say except I see you for who you are.

Posted by
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
11:12 AM
Posted by
Friday, June 12, 2009
6:30 PM
Yea this should of been the first post but I wasn't really thinking, I was just trying to make my blog look all spiffy n' stuff. The default templates were'nt cutting it. But yeah basically(mayb I should put this in my blog description but wth)my blog is just random thoughts or rants. Sometimes they'll be serious sometimes they won't...who knows. But anyway...Oh yea I designed my blog all by myself usin the Minima template!!! Proud of myself for that because I kept messing up something terribly. But I eventually got it. So now feel free to comment on anything!!!
Posted by
6:13 PM
I feel somewhat inspired today(maybe because I have nothing else better to do until next week when I start my new job)But anyway I'm starting on a new art project and you can check up on it as I update ya's!!!
Posted by
Thursday, May 21, 2009
4:47 PM
Lies,friends,significant others,misunderstandings,misconceptions,feelings, and btw my horoscope sucked that's why I don't really like those things, but it spoke the truth actually. "You're going to have an enthusiastic fan today, and he or she will be singing your praises to anyone who will listen."<<
Posted by
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
4:33 AM